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LDH400P firmware files V1.05/V1.06
Updates to the device firmware may be made available from time to time. This firmware resides in flash memory and can be updated via the USB interface. The firmware versions can be checked using the *IDN? query from the remote interface.
The LDH400P uses two firmware files; one for the main hardware and one for the interface board. This version is a complete firmware update with main firmware V1.05 and interface firmware V1.06. Interface firmware V1.06 includes updates to the latest LXI library, improved performance and adds a LANRESET remote command. Main firmware version 1.04 had minor changes to the fan control and thermal management and 1.05 was required for manufacturing reasons and introduces no new features.
This firmware is applied using the Firmware update utility linked to below which also includes instructions.
Link: LDH400P_ALL_105_106.hex