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TGxA Series Function Generators: Full pulse generator

independent width and delay
width and delay can be set independently of period

variable rise and fall times
rise and fall times can be set together or independently

Full Pulse Generator capabilities

Both models incorporate a pulse generator mode which provides wide range pulse width and delay independent of period.

Rise and fall times (edge speeds) are also fully variable.

Pulse mode is in addition to square wave mode which offers a higher maximum frequency.

Wide-range repetition rate

On 50MHz models, the pulse period can be set between 2000 seconds and 80ns (0.5mHz to 12.5MHz) with a resolution of 14 digits or one micro Hertz.

On 25MHz models, the minimum pulse period is 160ns (equivalent to 6.25MHz).

Fully variable pulse Width and Delay

Pulse width and pulse delay can be independently set to a resolution of 10ns.

Minimum pulse width is 20ns and duty cycles can be as low as one in two billion.

Independently variable Rise and Fall

The generators offer very fast edge speeds of better than 8ns on 50MHz models or 13ns on 25MHz models, but the edges can be slowed down to simulate slower pulses.

Rise and fall times are independently variable in the range 5ns to 40us (10ns to 40us on 25MHz models) or can be linked so that both edge speeds are the same.

Trigger, Burst and Gate

As with all other waveforms, pulses can be triggered from an external trigger input (or manual trigger, the internal trigger generator or a Bus command).

Burst mode creates a burst of between one and a million pulses in response to each active edge of the trigger.

Gated cause pulses to be generated only when the gate signal is true. The gate source can be external or internal exactly as the trigger signal. Read more ...