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This resource is not the newest version and may contain issues fixed in later versions. Unless you have a particular reason for wanting this file, you should get the newest version which is linked from the product page or the support page. The resource that replaced this one is linked to below.

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HA1600A & HA1600 Harmonics Analyzer Firmware V3.02 and PC Software V3.04

The zipped archive contains all of the files needed to update the product to the latest firmware including instruction read-me files. It also contains the current version of HA-PC Link+ software and the appropriate instruction manuals.

The current firmware version number for both the HA1600 and HA1600A is V3.02.
The current version number for HA-PC Link+ software is V3.04.

Language(s): English
Resource Type: Firmware File
See newer version: HA1600A & HA1600 Harmonics Analyzer Firmware V4.02 and PC Software V4.0

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