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This resource is not the newest version and may contain issues fixed in later versions. Unless you have a particular reason for wanting this file, you should get the newest version which is linked from the product page or the support page. The resource that replaced this one is linked to below.

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TGF3XX2 Series Firmware Update V1.02

IMPORTANT: This update can effect the instrument calibration. Please read carefully before carrying out the firmware update.

Version 1.01 added two more calibration steps to calibrate the DAC offset in both channels.  These two steps were added to improve the accuracy of the DC offset. 
Version 1.02 fixes a problem which prevented both channels being triggered simultaneously via remote control

If updating from V1.00, following the update, the instrument will need to be recalibrated. If recalibration is not performed after updating the firmware, the instrument would perform as before using the current calibration values, however, there will be a message that will pop up every time the instrument is powered on to inform the user that the instrument is not calibrated.

It is recommended that the instrument be recalibrated after updating the firmware from V1.00 to 1.01 or later. The DC offset calibration steps can be performed from the front panel of the instrument with a DC voltmeter without disturbing the existing calibration points.  Instructions are provided in the operation manual.  Alternatively it can be sent off to a calibration facility if traceability is required.   If you do not need improved DC offset accuracy or cannot re-calibrate the instrument, it is recommended that you do not apply this update until calibration is required.

The download is a zip archive containing the firmware files and instructions for updating the instrument.

Language(s): English
Resource Type: Firmware File
See newer version: TGF3XX2 Series Firmware Update V1.03

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